Monday, February 16, 2009

Book of Hebrews Bible Study - Lesson One: 2 mysteries in the book of Hebrews

PLEASE READ HEBREWS 1:1 "Long ago God spoke many times and in many ways to our ancestors through the prophets." (New Living Translation)

Who doesn't like a mystery? How about this first mystery: The fact that no one knows who truly wrote the book of Hebrews. For over 2,000 years many Bible teachers and serious Bible students have pondered on this question. The early church fathers believed Paul was the author (I for one tip my hat towards that opinion). The strongest possible evidence for Paul's authorship is the mention of Paul's younger protege Timothy, to whom he had written two other letters (1 and 2 Timothy) and whom he had personally discipled. Others, have suggested Apollos, the Greek speaking Bible teacher in the early church, whom we first meet in Acts 18. Apollos loved using the Old Testament in his ministry, and he was apparently well versed in the Greek language.

The book of Hebrews represents the finest example of first century Greek in all of the New Testament, and contains many allusions to Old Testament Patriarchs, ceremonies and festivals in proving the superiority of Jesus Christ.Other possibilities, from Paul's friend and missionary co-worker Barnabas to other lesser known figures have been offered up as possible suspects. Overall, over two millenia of scholarship has not yielded the identity of the human author.

With that said, what is the second mystery? Thankfully, this one is much easier to solve. Namely, what is the purpose or theme of Hebrews: The Superiority of Jesus Christ. A mystery in the Bible has to do with God uncovering information to us that was previously hidden from previous generations. The process by which God makes known the unknown is what is called "revelation".

In the book of Hebrews we see references to Abraham, Moses, the Jew's 1st place of worship called the tabernacle and Angels, as well as many other subjects. All these persons or objects were "great" as they so appeared in the Old Testament. Yet, whenever you read the Old Testament, you realize that it is pointing to something or someone greater than itself. That is where the book of Hebrews comes to aid us in uncovering the connection between the Old Testament and New Testament - Jesus Christ. As we will see in this study, time and time again the unknown author of Hebrews will be showing us who this Jesus is - with the goal of making the Author of salvation more knowable to all who love Him. For Jesus Christ is Superior to everything!

Questions for reflection:
1. Why do you think the Old Testament is not read as much as the New Testament?
2. What do you hope to get out of this study?If you have any questions about this study, or the book of Hebrews in general?.


  1. May this Study be used of the Lord to enrich your Christian Walk with Him.

  2. Hi Mahlon,
    Love the blog! Keep it up, my friend. In answer to your question #1 above, you know I think that for a time in my life I read less of the OT than the NT because I kind of saw it as "oh, that was written for the Jews", and "the God of the OT was more concerned with holiness and justice and the God of the NT is more concered with love and mercy". But as I've grown in my walk with Christ and studied more of the OT prophecies of His coming and Who the Messiah really was going to be, the Holy Spirit has developed a new passion and love for the Old Testament in me. I can truthfully say there are parts of the OT that I probably read more often than any of the NT. I am in love with Isaiah, Daniel, Ezra and Nehemiah, Jeremiah, and some of the "minor" prophets who wrote with such passion and out of such obedience. Anyway, love the blog and I'll be reading more as time allows.
    Love to you and the family,
